Episode Transcript
It is all too often said that there are no miracles performed these days. Well, I'd like to challenge this idea with my story, the Raised Remote. Welcome to miracles in the 21st century.
I'm Greg Morikone. I want to tell you about Marie, who lives in Minnesota in the United States of America. Marie was flipping through the channels on her rabbit ear tv.
Rabbit ears are those little antennas that stick up catching the local television channels. And she was flipping through the channels and she saw static on her tv. But she heard just beautiful music coming through.
So she sat and listened. She couldn't see anything because of the static. And the song touched her heart.
She cried and cried, said, lord, thank you for this message and song. I would love to see it, but I can't. Several days later, she was flipping through the channels again and came across the same channel there in Minnesota.
Another beautiful song. Her heart was touched and she cried and cried. And she said, God, I want to see the video, but the audio.
Thank you for that. So you've heard of boosters that will boost the signal on rabbit ear antennas. So she had to.
She went to her local electronic store, purchased the signal booster, and she, being a widow, was trying to figure out how to hook it up because her husband, before he passed, would do that for her. So she was back there. She figured out how to hook it into her tv, the booster.
She was so excited because this would definitely give her the video now, not just audio. Turned everything on, went to the channel, all excited. Guess what? Not only was there no video, she had no audio.
Marie was so, so discouraged. Oh, God, here I am wanting to hear and see this wonderful message, but I can't see or hear anything this time. So she unplugged the booster from her TV again, same situation.
She now had the audio, but there was no video. Just terrible static on the screen. So, Marie, this is the miracle.
Here, listen to this. Marie took the remote control to her tv. She raised it to heaven.
And she said, God, you've promised to be a. A father to the orphans. You've also promised to be a husband to the widows.
Do you know what happened? 3 ABN came in loud and clear. She could see the video and the audio now. You may say miracles don't happen in the 21st century.
Let me encourage you that they do. Marie is a testimony that miracles do happen, that God does care. And I want to encourage you today that God cares for you and wants to do miracles in your life today.